目前分類:未分類文章 (1160)
- Jun 16 Fri 2017 21:25
Could This Turmeric Hot Chocolate Treat Your Blues?這款薑黃熱 ...
- Jun 14 Wed 2017 15:49
Tina Turner 76歲搖滾樂長青樹
- Jun 14 Wed 2017 11:37
- Jun 14 Wed 2017 09:25
[計議] 彭博專訪: 谷歌Pixel幕後
庫米克文翻譯語言翻譯公司https://goo.gl/VrS794 彭博社的幕後採訪翻譯社 華頓翻譯社挑比力主要的快速翻譯翻譯社 有點隨便 句子組織可能會有點怪的 還請見諒. 剛揭曉的Pixel和Pixel XL是谷歌內部第一台內部本身構思翻譯社 設計, 工程開辟及內部測試的手機. Pixel手機加入了雷同Siri的虛擬助手, 脆而不堅的相機功能也是搭載安卓7.1系統牛軋糖的手機首發. 這意味著谷歌願意承當起招惹三星和LG等安卓火伴不安(alienating)的風險. Rick Osterloh說 (現任谷歌硬體帶領翻譯社 前谷歌派駐Motorola CEO) “谷歌現在是印在這部手機發票上的發售者”. 也提到公司內部已最先處置懲罰物流治理, 培育與電信商的關係, 採購零件, 投入供給鏈交易與佈點治理. 乃至最先銷售配件, 包孕手機殼和電線. 此前, 谷歌知足透過六年Nexus設計僅用雙掛名模式略微介入了手機硬體事業. 大部分硬體開辟都照樣由硬體火伴承當. 儘管回響不差, 但Nexus手機容易被視為谷歌的實行品. 治理層見到蘋果同一產品線 -- 手機, 平板, 手錶翻譯社 電腦 -- 更有益將用戶套牢在自家辦事生態內的益處. 投入智能手機硬體事業是項大且高經濟風險規劃也要有不隨便退出的抉擇. 谷歌需要本身的產品來確保本身網路辦事的滲入滲出率, 這也攸關他們可否供給更深度的虛擬與拓展實境(VR&AR)體驗. CEO Sundar Pichai於2015炎天核准Pixel打算於去年秋季正式睜開. 安卓開辟工程輔導Dave Burke說到 “此回的不同是 我們從開始就介入了”. 相對的Nexus設計完成90%後, 安卓團隊才會正式投入此中. Osterloh在四月份回歸谷歌輔導新成立的硬體部分並將散佈谷歌內部的多個硬體小組都歸納旗下. (談軟硬整合部份 與 之前Moto團隊與谷歌間有些距離障礙 如今與谷歌軟體辦事的較易整合 略過..) 谷歌在硬體和安卓部分特地設置了防火牆, 防範其它手機火伴硬體手藝洩露被洩漏. 安卓團隊向導Hiroshi Lockheimer說大家都是主要的火伴, 獲得的看待是同等的. “Rick是重要火伴. 三星告知我們關於產品線的秘要訊息和設計; 我們不會告知LG, 反之亦然. 對其他人也一致包括Rick的團隊”. (Pixels根基介紹 略過..) 手機用了含有多家供給商架上零件翻譯社 包孕Snapdragon處置懲罰器, 在台灣由HTC組裝. 就算這第一代裡也有特殊定制(custom work; 按全部段落分析 所指多為軟體), 包羅之前Nexus嘗試衍生的無線modem手藝. Pixels也有經谷歌優化過的芯片組讓攝影及觸屏回響反映時候快過市情上所有安卓手機許多. Osterloh提到谷歌交由HTC組裝兩部Pixel手機的模式 與 蘋果交由富士康組長的手法並沒有什麼分歧. Pixels後面會面到“Made by Google”, 就如iPhone後背的“Designed by Apple in California”是一樣的. 他還說谷歌絕不會說Pixel是和他人一路開辟的. 他高傲地傳播鼓吹,“它是華頓翻譯社們的”. 感想 :- 挖翻譯社 最後一段 要看一遍.. 兩遍.. 三遍.. 此前本版好些人對於 誰設計外形 誰開前提 誰管很大 事實怎麼分工 有小爭議說不清. 這篇專訪清晰解答了翻譯社 Nexus和Pixel的意圖差蠻大的.
- Jun 14 Wed 2017 07:18
Tina Turner 76歲搖滾樂長青樹
薩尼奇語翻譯語言翻譯公司Proud Mary keep on burning
Rolling on the river
- Jun 12 Mon 2017 20:58
女主播不怕涼風吹 再次脫到一絲不掛
- Jun 12 Mon 2017 10:14
- Jun 10 Sat 2017 21:10
為搶回枕頭 汪汪不惜使出絕招
- Jun 10 Sat 2017 18:53
論文摘要翻譯服務語言翻譯公司這些劇情讓人不禁想到《周全啟動》(Inception)。華頓翻譯社猜諾蘭(Christopher Nolan)應當有細心研究過卡麥隆克羅(Cameron Crowe)的香草天空翻譯
以前只看過《香草天空》,不外那時的大腦還一片渾沌,基本一點也沒看懂。現在再看,發現這可是部關於生命聰明的深沈電影啊,一層層地演示什麼叫做「一切有為法,如海市蜃樓」。《香草天空》描述阿湯哥(Tom Cruise)若何在夢境與記憶中一層一層的爬出,然後還要跌個一跤才能回到實際。
- Jun 07 Wed 2017 22:18
線上單字測驗系統@ 公益英語傳教士& 克亞營銷導師(按此回首頁)
- Jun 07 Wed 2017 14:46
[情報] 16w44a
專業英文翻譯語言翻譯公司https://mojang.com/2016/11/minecraft-snapshot-16w44a/ Zis is ze nouveau snapsot ! An zis snapsot inclutz… Notable changes: You might observer changes. Bugs fixed in 16w44a: [Bug MC-2334] - Sneaking on shorter than full blocks (chests翻譯社 enchantment table…) will make you fall nonetheless [Bug MC-36360] - No player sound when “Friendly Creatures” are turned off [Bug MC-73494] - Translation for white wool and white carpet is incorrect (US) [Bug MC-86818] - Lingering and Splash Potions show invalid name in statistics [Bug MC-87364] - Missing error message for failed scoreboard players tag [Bug MC-87989] - Wrong line when casting fishing rod in third person view [Bug MC-89174] - /enchant with any invalid ID displays message “There is no such enchantment with ID 0” [Bug MC-92105] - Splash and lingering potion ignore Ambient and ShowParticles tag [Bug MC-98922] - Fishing hook / bobber cannot kill itself after 1200 ticks and bounces on land [Bug MC-99353] - Elytra becomes transparent when wearing enchanted armor [Bug MC-102888] - Stray overlay turns dark blue when wearing enchanted armor [Bug MC-105966] - Snapshot incompatible with realms message is missing [Bug MC-106040] - Command Feedback From “/testforblock” the Wrong Way Around [Bug MC-106062] - Language pre-selection is set to “English (US)” even with different choice [Bug MC-106586] - Snowballs Duplicate When Thrown [Bug MC-107172] - Hitbox of Marker “true” Armor Stands lets their names now appear above them [Bug MC-107189] - Elytra still has big model with small mobs/armor stands [Bug MC-107321] - Marker armor stands can be set on fire [Bug MC-107494] - Cannot summon Vex with empty right hand [Bug MC-107550] - Curse of vanishing listed in “Miscellaneous” tab [Bug MC-107555] - /debug command missing decimal places [Bug MC-107558] - Illager spawn locations keep original block [Bug MC-107601] - /enchant command doesn’t allow to put “Curse of Binding” on skulls or pumpkins [Bug MC-107623] - Observer Instant wire [Bug MC-107631] - Smooth Andesite in Woodland Mansion is sometimes replaced by default worldgen blocks [Bug MC-107639] - Shulker Box can’t be read by comparators if placed by dispensers until block update [Bug MC-107697] - Llama’s spinning [Bug MC-107796] - When open the shulker box make the shulker glitches back and forth [Bug MC-107822] - Curse of binding cannot be applied to Elytra in Survival Mode. [Bug MC-107872] - Random cobblestone walls spawn next to Mansions [Bug MC-107882] - Comparator not updating when Shulker Box behind block is broken [Bug MC-107977] - Item not shown in hand when middle click dragging [Bug MC-108008] - Hitbox of Marker:1 Armor Stands lets Passengers appear now ABOVE them [Bug MC-108034] - Wrong armor_stand hitbox and hitbox update [Bug MC-108054] - Observer rotates when being udpated, moved and then reloaded [Bug MC-108076] - cartographer villager unlocking exploration map causes HUGE lag [Bug MC-108109] - Fire doesnt dissapear after death [Bug MC-108128] - Chaining too many observer blocks crashes the game [Bug MC-108159] - Duplicate structure file of woodland mansion room [Bug MC-108168] - Shulker box isn’t rotated correctly with structure block [Bug MC-108222] - Incorrect value is written for unlimitedTracking tag in map data [Bug MC-108317] - Inconsistent capitalization “Note block” in subtitles [Bug MC-108321] - Text does not appear in the action bar while chat is set to hidden [Bug MC-108373] - area effect clouds created by exploding creeper ignore ShowParticles and Ambient tag [Bug MC-108496] - Moving a powered fence gate with a piston doesn’t properly update the fence gate [Bug MC-108521] - Animals have trouble jumping up 1 block when led [Bug MC-108560] - Inconsistent dropper/dispenser behavior from observer signal [Bug MC-108616] - “Local Brewery” achievement icon is an Uncraftable Potion [Bug MC-108697] - Observers send out a 2 redstone tick pulse opposed to 1 [Bug MC-108731] - maxEntityCramming counts passengers and ridden entities as separated entities instead of one combined [Bug MC-108865] - Fangs cannot be summoned on transparent blocks [Bug MC-108877] - “Local Brewery” achievement can be obtained improperly [Bug MC-108945] - The totem of undying appears on relog. [Bug MC-108952] - Evocation Illagers run away from the player or villagers even when on the same team [Bug MC-109020] - Weird behavior with taged & markered armor stands. [Bug MC-109021] - Bursting lingering water bottle produces an effect cloud [Bug MC-109058] - Shulker bullet, small fireball翻譯社 wither skull and fireball cannot hurt/hit vex [Bug MC-109078] - Entities become transparent when armor stand with elytra is rendered [Bug MC-109086] - Piston Extension have missing model textures for Structure Void [Bug MC-109150] - Player phases inside block pushed by piston when sneaking. [Bug MC-109240] - Zombies picking up multiple items but only dropping one [Bug MC-109255] - Fishing line has unlimited distance [Bug MC-109256] - Casting fishing rod while looking straight down freezes server [Bug MC-109269] - Player cannot cast a fishing rod while directly looking up [Bug MC-109276] - Hopper clock spam empty lines in game output [Bug MC-109277] - Fishing rod bobber has incorrect nbt values [Bug MC-109290] - Fishing rod bobber floating in the air(Lost the gravity), when the mob died [Bug MC-109306] - Shulker boxes lose their “Lock” tag when mined. ---- 參考:https://redd.it/5ax6sf 上周中繼器跟比較器的改變又都改回來了 觀察者只會跟方塊與方塊狀況改變起反映了 狼會更常跑開羊駝 當羊駝強度到4或5時必跑 別的調查者的瞬間傳輸被修掉 tick又從2修回1了
- Jun 05 Mon 2017 22:59
引擎及門閂問題 福特召修57萬輛車
福特汽車29日宣布在北美和歐洲召修57萬輛車,透露表現因引擎和門閂恐有問題翻譯個中約有36萬輛車引擎恐起火,在北美包孕2014年出廠的Escape休旅車、2014到2015年出廠的Fiesta FT、2013到2014年出廠的Fusion中型車和2013到2015年的Transit Connet翻譯在歐洲則包孕2010到2015年的C-Max油電夾雜車和Focus、2013到2015年的Transit Connet。所有車款都為1.6公升4輪驅動引擎。這些車款因缺少冷卻劑循環可能造成引擎過熱,致使汽缸前端碎裂,汽油恐從裂痕外洩,假如碰到熱處可能造成引擎起火。福特示意今朝在美加已接獲29起起火講演,但未造成人員受傷。福特示意公司將會寄信通知車主,指點他們若何檢查和添加冷卻劑,假如發現異常,應立刻送修。別的,福特還新增一批21.1萬輛車因門閂故障召修,包羅2014年Fiesta和2013到2014年的Fusion和Lincoln MKZ。過去3年來,門閂問題一向是福特汽車的首要問題,客歲秋季福特因該問題召修230萬輛車翻譯(國際中心/綜合外電報道)
- Jun 05 Mon 2017 16:11
[諜報] 16w44a
缽羅維文翻譯語言翻譯公司https://mojang.com/2016/11/minecraft-snapshot-16w44a/ Zis is ze nouveau snapsot ! An zis snapsot inclutz… Notable changes: You might observer changes. Bugs fixed in 16w44a: [Bug MC-2334] - Sneaking on shorter than full blocks (chests翻譯社 enchantment table…) will make you fall nonetheless [Bug MC-36360] - No player sound when “Friendly Creatures” are turned off [Bug MC-73494] - Translation for white wool and white carpet is incorrect (US) [Bug MC-86818] - Lingering and Splash Potions show invalid name in statistics [Bug MC-87364] - Missing error message for failed scoreboard players tag [Bug MC-87989] - Wrong line when casting fishing rod in third person view [Bug MC-89174] - /enchant with any invalid ID displays message “There is no such enchantment with ID 0” [Bug MC-92105] - Splash and lingering potion ignore Ambient and ShowParticles tag [Bug MC-98922] - Fishing hook / bobber cannot kill itself after 1200 ticks and bounces on land [Bug MC-99353] - Elytra becomes transparent when wearing enchanted armor [Bug MC-102888] - Stray overlay turns dark blue when wearing enchanted armor [Bug MC-105966] - Snapshot incompatible with realms message is missing [Bug MC-106040] - Command Feedback From “/testforblock” the Wrong Way Around [Bug MC-106062] - Language pre-selection is set to “English (US)” even with different choice [Bug MC-106586] - Snowballs Duplicate When Thrown [Bug MC-107172] - Hitbox of Marker “true” Armor Stands lets their names now appear above them [Bug MC-107189] - Elytra still has big model with small mobs/armor stands [Bug MC-107321] - Marker armor stands can be set on fire [Bug MC-107494] - Cannot summon Vex with empty right hand [Bug MC-107550] - Curse of vanishing listed in “Miscellaneous” tab [Bug MC-107555] - /debug command missing decimal places [Bug MC-107558] - Illager spawn locations keep original block [Bug MC-107601] - /enchant command doesn’t allow to put “Curse of Binding” on skulls or pumpkins [Bug MC-107623] - Observer Instant wire [Bug MC-107631] - Smooth Andesite in Woodland Mansion is sometimes replaced by default worldgen blocks [Bug MC-107639] - Shulker Box can’t be read by comparators if placed by dispensers until block update [Bug MC-107697] - Llama’s spinning [Bug MC-107796] - When open the shulker box make the shulker glitches back and forth [Bug MC-107822] - Curse of binding cannot be applied to Elytra in Survival Mode. [Bug MC-107872] - Random cobblestone walls spawn next to Mansions [Bug MC-107882] - Comparator not updating when Shulker Box behind block is broken [Bug MC-107977] - Item not shown in hand when middle click dragging [Bug MC-108008] - Hitbox of Marker:1 Armor Stands lets Passengers appear now ABOVE them [Bug MC-108034] - Wrong armor_stand hitbox and hitbox update [Bug MC-108054] - Observer rotates when being udpated, moved and then reloaded [Bug MC-108076] - cartographer villager unlocking exploration map causes HUGE lag [Bug MC-108109] - Fire doesnt dissapear after death [Bug MC-108128] - Chaining too many observer blocks crashes the game [Bug MC-108159] - Duplicate structure file of woodland mansion room [Bug MC-108168] - Shulker box isn’t rotated correctly with structure block [Bug MC-108222] - Incorrect value is written for unlimitedTracking tag in map data [Bug MC-108317] - Inconsistent capitalization “Note block” in subtitles [Bug MC-108321] - Text does not appear in the action bar while chat is set to hidden [Bug MC-108373] - area effect clouds created by exploding creeper ignore ShowParticles and Ambient tag [Bug MC-108496] - Moving a powered fence gate with a piston doesn’t properly update the fence gate [Bug MC-108521] - Animals have trouble jumping up 1 block when led [Bug MC-108560] - Inconsistent dropper/dispenser behavior from observer signal [Bug MC-108616] - “Local Brewery” achievement icon is an Uncraftable Potion [Bug MC-108697] - Observers send out a 2 redstone tick pulse opposed to 1 [Bug MC-108731] - maxEntityCramming counts passengers and ridden entities as separated entities instead of one combined [Bug MC-108865] - Fangs cannot be summoned on transparent blocks [Bug MC-108877] - “Local Brewery” achievement can be obtained improperly [Bug MC-108945] - The totem of undying appears on relog. [Bug MC-108952] - Evocation Illagers run away from the player or villagers even when on the same team [Bug MC-109020] - Weird behavior with taged & markered armor stands. [Bug MC-109021] - Bursting lingering water bottle produces an effect cloud [Bug MC-109058] - Shulker bullet翻譯社 small fireball, wither skull and fireball cannot hurt/hit vex [Bug MC-109078] - Entities become transparent when armor stand with elytra is rendered [Bug MC-109086] - Piston Extension have missing model textures for Structure Void [Bug MC-109150] - Player phases inside block pushed by piston when sneaking. [Bug MC-109240] - Zombies picking up multiple items but only dropping one [Bug MC-109255] - Fishing line has unlimited distance [Bug MC-109256] - Casting fishing rod while looking straight down freezes server [Bug MC-109269] - Player cannot cast a fishing rod while directly looking up [Bug MC-109276] - Hopper clock spam empty lines in game output [Bug MC-109277] - Fishing rod bobber has incorrect nbt values [Bug MC-109290] - Fishing rod bobber floating in the air(Lost the gravity), when the mob died [Bug MC-109306] - Shulker boxes lose their “Lock” tag when mined. ---- 參考:https://redd.it/5ax6sf 上周中繼器跟對照器的改變又都改回來了 視察者只會跟方塊與方塊狀況改變起反應了 狼會更常跑開羊駝 當羊駝強度到4或5時必跑 別的觀測者的刹時傳輸被修掉 tick又從2修回1了
- Jun 05 Mon 2017 05:46
蔡英文台南勘災 點名賴清德「治水有功」
- Jun 04 Sun 2017 18:35
趙又廷整容演技太毒 虐哭粉絲請命「夜華別死」
- Jun 04 Sun 2017 05:02
林為音~ 愛若心傷
- Jun 01 Thu 2017 23:54
長榮航面試空姐 重視細節
- Jun 01 Thu 2017 13:15
[英中] Press、Publisher、Publishers等等差別?
翻譯論文摘要語言翻譯公司請問一下: Press、Publisher、Publishers、Publishing (House)、Publications 這幾個詞差別安在?翻譯上可有慣例? 固然啦, 就算是中文裡面, 「XX出版社」、「XX出書公司」、「XX書店」、「XX書局\書館」的 其實也未必分得那麼清楚翻譯 不過還是問一下這是否終究有別? 尤其是, 似乎各大學的都偏好用Press? 其他 Publi... 系列的仿佛更傾向是純貿易? 別的中文界的慣例呢? 某些大學仿佛喜歡稱作XX大學出書中間, 但某些大學就直接稱作XX大學出書社? 仍是說此中是有不同的? -- Repetitio est mater studiorum.
- Jun 01 Thu 2017 02:17
涅頓秋林仁波切長壽祈請文 @ 在靈感中翻譯佛法,在業力下努力微笑
- May 31 Wed 2017 21:43
english reading sentences @ 應在真實打動