


  顾晓军(1953年8月12日- ),男,汉族,南京人,中国著名作家、当代思惟家。

  3 作者简介


By Gu Xiaojun



  4 相关评价

1 Introduction

Published by Sea Hunter

Pricing NT $ 380


  1 内容简介




  定价    NT$ 380

ISBN 9789869198103


Title Brain Revolution

The "brain revolution" demonstrates that the philosophy of the metaphysical era is to make it more complicated, which provides us with the modern philosophy of make it simple or easy, which is the key to opening the door to human wisdom. The author of the first part of the book, the author from today's information age, advocate the concept of renewal翻譯社 expounded the "brain revolution" necessary and inevitable, explain "GuXiaojunist philosophy" Impartiality theory翻譯社 the theory of freedom, Pluralism theory, Trend theory, Negativism. In the second part, Gu Xiaojun, author of the essay翻譯社 "The story is often three-dimensional" (as a model essay for the college entrance examination in 2015) says that things are often three-dimensional, and the cartoonist Feng Zikai said the child's eyes are straight Turn on. Please write a no less than 800 words of argumentative paper "), focus on innovative thinking, three-dimensional thinking, explain how to break the frame翻譯社 subvert the mindset, to achieve emancipating the mind, guide readers to form a bird's eye view翻譯社 umbrella翻譯社 And then complex thinking structure, easy to understand the multi-purpose, this is not only this and so on. The third part翻譯社 about "brain revolution" and the use of three-dimensional thinking, to explain "GuXiaojunist philosophy" and General knowledge翻譯社 ordinary feeling,usual reason翻譯社 etc., about how to self-realization of life sublimation.


2 book features

  出書时间  2015-07-01

Published by 2015-07-01

  ISBN  9789869198103

  页数    324

3 Author brief introduction

  5 社会影响

"Brain Revolution" is a contemporary thinker, the famous writer Gu Xiaojun to adapt to the information age and write an advocacy concept update, make it simple or easy翻譯社 innovative thinking, three-dimensional thinking of the modern and easy to understand modern philosophy books.

  作者    顾晓军


Gu Xiaojun (August 12翻譯社 1953 -), male翻譯社 Han nationality, Nanjing, China famous writer, contemporary thinker. The published works include: "Populace ism democracy", "Impartiality first", "Brain Revolution", "Overthrow Lu Xun" and other monographs翻譯社 and "Gu Xiaojun novel [1]", "Gu Xiaojun novel [2] , "Gu Xiaojun novel [3]" and other anthologies.


4 related evaluation

  书名    大脑革命

See Gu Xiaojun, "Gucci", "Guppy", "Gu Xiaojun", "Gucci", "Guise", "Gucci" Xiaojiang <brain revolution • multi-system> feeling, the author Liu Lihui (Department of linguists, Dr. Peking University翻譯社 cloud big teacher).

Brain revolution   

  6 网络纠纷


- Gu Xiaojunist:"First Impartiality emperor" talk • 3278



5 Social impact

Published by 2015-07-01

ISBN 9789869198103

  再如,“当今最具影响力的未来学家、超级畅销书《第三次海潮》的作者托夫勒,雅虎公司前主席兼首席执行官 特里•塞梅尔大力推荐”;可,证据呢?特里•塞梅尔怎么说的、具体说了点什么?

After the publication of the "brain revolution"翻譯社 the Central Web newspaper was reported (see: http://cdnews.biz/cdnews_site/docDetail.jsp? Coluid = 121 & docid = 10329490)



The author is a contemporary thinker, is a famous writer翻譯社 with as "Qingming River" kind, vivid description of the little people "Gu Xiaojun novel" more than 300 articles (published [1], [2], [3] volume). The author, but also change the theory of the complicated and boring practice翻譯社 to simple, clear翻譯社 clear style so that readers refreshing.



Entry list

              顾晓军 2017-3-14 南京

Published by Sea Hunter

  1 大脑革命 http://showwe.tw/books/books.aspx?b=3533


By Gu Xiaojun


Translator: God Has eyes

Number of pages 324

  2 该书特点

Title Brain Revolution

Brain revolution   


No need to say it anymore. Any ignorance, can not stop the pace of human thought forward!