
答案是一定的,正在寫一本關於「成為多說話者 翻譯社會、心理和感情身分」書籍 翻譯Tim Keeley說:「你要釀成一隻變色龍」!

他說,最主要的事就是模仿時不要考慮拼字,「每一個人都能聆聽和重覆」, 你可能會發現自已有點誇大,就跟一名演員最起頭表演時有點演過甚-但這是關頭性的一步。


The important thing 翻譯公司 he says, is to try to imitate without even considering the spelling of the words. "Everyone can listen and repeat," he says. "You may find yourself over-exaggerating, in the same way that an actor may be a little (2)over-the-top in their performance to start with - but that's a crucial part of the process"

Keeley's theory is that learning a new language causes you to re-invent your sense of self - and the best linguists are particularly good at taking on new identities. Psychologists have long known that the words we speak are (B)entwined with our identity. It's a cliche that French makes you more romantic, or Italian makes you more passionate. Importantly, various studies have found that multilingual people often adopt different behaviors according to the language they are speaking.

How do hyperpolyglots master so many new tongues ─ and could the rest of us try to emulate them? Yes, we could. Tim Keeley 翻譯公司 who is currently writing a book on the "social, psychological and affective factors in becoming multilingual," says: "You become a chameleon."

You can practice a little and often ─ perhaps just for 15-minute stints, four times a day.

Michael Levi Harris可能是這個理論的最好代言。他是受過專業練習的演員,精曉10門語言,對別的跨越12門說話也有中等程度的理解 翻譯社Harris認為我們每一個人都可以透過如許的體例來進修一種新說話-基於他的表演經驗。

大部份人都覺得進修一門新說話既費勁且極富挑戰。 我們人腦有許多分歧的記憶系統,要學會分歧說話需用到全部的記憶體。但是,這類嚴厲的鍛鍊帶來極大的回報,它可以說是最好 翻譯大腦訓練 翻譯社研究顯示會多種語言可提高留意力和記憶力,而且其「認知貯備」的效果可延緩失智症發生發火。

Keeley的理論是,進修一門新的語言使你重新成長自我意識-那些最好 翻譯說話學家希奇善於轉換新 翻譯身分 翻譯社心理學家早就知道,我們說的話和我們的身分意識融會在一路。眾所皆知法語讓人加倍浪漫,或義大利語讓人更有熱情。重要 翻譯是,很多研究發現多說話者常常憑據他們所說的那門說話而採取分歧的行為。

Michael Levi Harris may demonstrate these principles the best. An actor by training, Harris also has an advanced knowledge of 10 languages 翻譯公司 and an intermediate understanding of 12 more. Harris thinks that anyone can learn to adopt a new language in this way ─ and he has a few tips, based on his experiences of acting.

若是你認同某一小我,你會更想去模擬他-這是一種進修說話最不花力氣 翻譯進程 翻譯社但是你所採用的新成分和相幹 翻譯記憶會在說話間建立神經障礙,而致使混合母語進而中止這門新語言 翻譯社Keeley說:「在你的腦海中必然要為每種說話和相幹經歷區隔小空間,以便讓各種語言保持活躍而不會彼此混合」。

工商時報【Cynthia Wu】

"It is not just the amount of time spent learning and using the languages. The quality of the time, especially emotional (C)salience, is critical." Indeed, that might explain why Keeley could switch so effortlessly between some 20-odd languages.

「這不僅僅是學習和利用說話的時候多寡。進修的質量,特別是感情的投射更為環節」。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯確實,這可能注釋了為什麼Keeley能輕鬆轉換20種不同說話 翻譯緣由。

If you (1)identify with someone, you are more likely to mimic them ─ a process that would effortlessly improve language learning. But the adopted identity, and the associated memories 翻譯公司 may also stop you from confusing the language with your mother tongue - by building neural barriers between the languages. "There must be some type of home in your mind for each language and related experiences, in order for the languages to stay active and not get all mixed together 翻譯公司" Keeley says.

閱讀暖身有些人精曉跨越20種 翻譯說話,他們是怎麼做到的?其中有什麼訣竅?想一探討竟,請先看看以下幾個字怎麼說:A.爆發(病症) B.纏繞 C.投射

Most of us find learning a new language is so demanding and challenging. We have many different memory systems, and mastering a different tongue requires all of them. However, that tough mental workout comes with big payoffs; it is arguably the best brain training. Studies have shown that being multilingual can improve attention and memory, and that this can provide a "cognitive reserve" that delays the (A)onset of dementia.


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