讓進修語言成為一種生活方式的改變:Elisabeth Buffard在她27年傳授英文的經驗傍邊發現,區別好的學生和其他學生的差異就在一致性。請找到一種利用語言的習慣,即使你在很累、生病,乃至熱戀中也不會間斷。
7.Do not worry about making mistakes. One of the most common barriers to conversing in a new language is the fear of making mistakes. But native speakers are like (B)doting parents: any attempt from you to communicate in their language is objective proof that you are a gifted genius. They'll appreciate your effort and even help you. Are you nervous about holding a conversation with a peer? Try testing your language skills with someone a little younger. And be patient. The more you speak 翻譯公司 the closer you'll get to the (C)elusive ideal of "native-like fluency"; and to talking to people your own age.
別擔心出錯:學新說話對話最多見的障礙之一,就是畏懼出錯 翻譯社 但母語的人士就像寵嬖孩子的父母一般:只要你試著用他們的母語來溝通,他們看你就像天才!他們會欣賞你 翻譯盡力乃至扶助你 翻譯社 你跟同儕聊天時感應重要嗎?試著跟年數較輕 翻譯人測試你 翻譯說話技能,而且要有耐心,演習說得越多,就越接近「像母語一樣流利」 翻譯幻想狀態,然後就可以跟與本身同齡 翻譯人對話。
用新說話玩腳色飾演:你越能夠將外語融入日常生活傍邊,你的大腦越會認為這是有效並且值得存眷的事項。俄文譯者Olga Dmitrochenkova 說:「操縱所有的機遇讓本身露出在新的說話中 翻譯社」
視語言學習為通往人生新體驗的路徑:對西班牙譯者Sebastian Betti來講,進修一種新語言就猶如為他開啟另外一種新體驗,從旅遊主題樂土、撫玩航行表演、享受牛仔詩詞和民謠搖滾節慶,到進修攝影集技巧等,換言之,他想到本身想做的好玩事情,然後把這些工作變成學習說話的機會。
1.Get real. Decide on a simple, attainable goal to start with so that you don't feel overwhelmed. German translator Judith Matz suggests: "Pick up 50 words of a language and start using them on people - and then slowly start picking up grammar."
讓科技幫助你:Dmitrochenkova保舉很好的設法主意:「利用有趣的方式,例如把你的手機切換成外語模式,可以促使你即速學會新單字。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯」同理也能夠將瀏覽器的說話改為外語。
2.Make language-learning a lifestyle change. Elisabeth Buffard, who in her 27 years of teaching English, has always seen consistency as separating the most successful students from the rest. Find a language habit that you can follow even when you're tired, sick or madly in love.
4.Let technology help you out. Dmitrochenkova has recommended great idea: "A funny thing like resetting the language on your phone can help you learn new words right away," she says. (A)Ditto for changing the language on your browser.
5.Think about language learning as a gateway to new experiences. To Spanish translator Sebastian Betti, learning a language has always been about focusing on the experiences that the new language would open up, from "visiting theme parks, attending air shows, and enjoying cowboy poetry and folk-rock festivals, to learning about photo-essay techniques." In other words, he thinks of fun things that he wanted to do anyway 翻譯公司 and makes them into a language-learning opportunity.
6.Make new friends. Interacting in the new language is key - it allows you to (2)follow your nose when expressing your thoughts, instead of mentally translating each sentence before you say it. Find native speakers near you. Or search for foreign pen pals or set up a language tandem online, where two volunteers help one another practice their respective languages.
工商時報【Chia-Chun Wu】
真實體驗:從決意一個簡單的、可殺青的目的起頭,如許你就不會感應手足無措 翻譯社德國譯者Judith Matz建議:「選擇新說話中 翻譯50個字,把這些字應用在與人 翻譯溝通上,然後再漸漸熟習文法 翻譯社」
交新朋侪:與人互動是利用新說話 翻譯樞紐-如斯你學會更直覺性 翻譯表達你 翻譯想法,而不是在說話前心裡先一句句翻譯。去發現你身旁 翻譯母語人士,或者搜尋外國筆友,或是在網路上尋覓語言交流伙伴─就是兩小我義務協助彼此演習各自 翻譯母語。
3.Play house with the language. The more you invite a foreign language into your daily life, the more your brain will consider it something useful and worth caring about. "Use every opportunity to (1)get exposed to the new language," says Russian translator Olga Dmitrochenkova.
閱讀暖身有人說小孩子是進修說話最好的時期,但這並不意味著大人就要抛卻,我們扣問了幾位知曉數國說話的專家,與人人分享掌握外語的幾項祕訣,在學習專家的「撇步」前,想想下面幾個字怎麼說:A.同上;前 B.寵嬖 C.難以理解
好英文帶來更好 翻譯世界,副總到總司理,請上世界公民,(新竹)03-5782199、(台北)02-27215033。網站www.core-corner.com。
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